Your perfect website is only marred by the lack of visitors to your site so, what are you going to do to start website promotion? Here are a series of tips that can point you in the right direction and help get your website well known to the search engines. The first step is to get your website listed on as many of the internet directories as possible. One of the best website directories to get listed on at the beginning is the Open Directory Project which is free to submit your website to. In the event that your webpage is not included, you can turn the tables around and list your own site on OPD by becoming an OPD editor in your own right.
The next step would be to focus your attention on getting your website known on Yahoo, followed by search engine optimisation. Keyword optimisation here is of particular importance with targeted keywords specifically associated with your website’s content. Similarly, META description tags contribute to optimisation by search engines. General META tags are also important in this respect.
Since Google is the foremost search engine it is wise to make a study of Google’s specific algorithms which help increase website rankings. To make the most of search engine optimisation there are a number of tricks that can be used to help. It is always as well to learn what doorway pages are and how to use them; also how to include themes for their maximum benefit. Other ploys include the application of css and cloaking. Many commercial sites pay their websites into the best rankings through applying pay-per-click popularity.