Making money online is not as harder as it looks like these days. Actually it was always an easy thing if you know what you are really going for. Money can be made in many different ways but every way need effort, time and of course your patience. There are many ways you can try to build money. Making websites those generates income, picking up the products from other people or companies and start promoting them and having your own commission. This is sometimes called affiliate marketing. Starting a hosting business or web design business.
In simple words, whatever way you choose make sure you can do best in that way. You can be a good designer, a good project manager, a good internet marketer. All these things are different but if you have one of these skills then it is always better to stick with one field.
If you are a web designer, you can get a lot of money by taking freelance projects and build up a good portfolio of your own or your company.
You can also get a lot of money by giving SEO or link building services to people. There are more people than hairs on your head, which are looking for a way to promote their websites. So its better to find those people and start building some business relationship with them and your portfolio as well.
You can also build money if you are a good writer. You can start your blog and review for other bloggers to get money from. Or you can give your content to other website's owner; they can give you good money for that as well.