If you want to start earn online with adsense programs then you should to follow these policies. You should read these policies with good attention. If you are not succeed to fulfill with these policies, then google might be disable ad serving to your site or block your AdSense account. However in a lot of cases google prefer to work along with publishers to achieve policy agreement and keep the right to disable any account at any time. While you goole adsense account is disabled, you will not be considered for more participation in the AdSense program.
Here are some policies which are updated and most recent:
Invalid Clicks and Impressions
Only genuine user clicks are considered, if you will use any artificial method for generating clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited. Many people like to use impression generating tools, third party services to generate clicks like paid per click and paid to surf. Note that these are strictly prohibited and clicking on your own adsense certainly will block your google adsense account.
Encouraging clicks
To make sure a good practice for users and advertisers, publishers might not ask for that users click the ads on their sites or rely on misleading implementation methods to get clicks. Publishers who are using the AdSense program:
- Should not encourage users to click the Google ads by using sentence or keyword like click the ads, "support us, visit these links, or other related language
- Publisher should not express user attention to the ads using arrows or other graphical pictures.
- Don’t place misleading images beside individual ads.
- Publisher can not promote websites by displaying ads throughout unwanted mass emails or unwanted advertisements on other websites.
- Should not pay costs users for viewing ads or performing searches, or assuring compensation to a third party for such actions
WebSite Content
Google is offering broad access of content in the search engine index, publishers participating in AdSense program might place Google ads on sites that remaining to our content guide and ads should not be displayed on any page with content mainly in an unsupported language.
Websites displaying Google ads should not have:
- Aggressive content, racial narrow-mindedness, or support against any individual, group, or organization
- Porn sites, adult, or sex content
- Hacking related material.
- Gambling or casino type content
- Content related programs which attract users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites etc.
- Promotion of alcohol, tobacco or tobacco-related products
- Any type of content which is illegal, promotes illegal action or copied from other websites.